
Tomcat with Bromethalin Bait Chunx, 4 lb. Pail

General Information


Tomcat with Bromethalin Bait Chunx contains a potent acute toxicant. Rodents stop feeding after eating a toxic dose so more rodents are controlled with less bait. There is a reduced risk of secondary poisoning. Effectively controls rats and mice. Proven bait acceptance. Chunx have patented gnawing edges and highly weatherable.

  • For use on mice and rats
  • Block
  • 4 lb.

Latest reviews

Pros: Likely to have successful rodent kills.
Cons: Kills non-target species of animals.
The lethal ingredient in all of these rodent baits contains poison which stays in the food chain. The beneficial owl or raptor who eats the dead or dying rodent bait will also be ingesting the poison and eventually die, too. Owls and raptors are nature's 'rodenticide' so don't kill them off by using rodent baits. As an alternative, the electrified, self-contained rodent traps work really well.
Purchase Date
Pros: easy to use
Cons: Rats would not touch. Other bait next to it was eaten.
This was a waste for me. Rats nor mice would touch this.


Excellent product. Built my own bait stations and the rats are eating and eating this stuff up. We live in the rural woods and surrounded by farm rats. Big mambas. Live traps and tom cat bait as well, works with our program. The only good rat, is a dead rat. And this product does just that. Rats are smart. Place your bait in a different spot periodically. They know what is going on.
I’ve used it. Mice were very attracted to it. Living next to a field I soon learned I could spent $100/mo eliminating them. So I stopped trying.
One thing to keep in mind, is depending on state of purchase, it could have a different active ingredient. I live in Maryland where the better of the two is banned, but live next to PA and WV where I can purchase the good stuff.

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