
Raising the Home Duck Flock

Dave Holderread has written Raising the Home Duck Flock for persons who want to raise ducks but don't know how to get started. He explains how many ducks you should have for various conditions, which breeds may be best for you, where and how to buy..

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Raising the Home Duck Flock
Dave Holderread
Product Price
US $9.95 CAN $13-95
Back Cover:
Ducks are the homeowner's friends.

They will:

* Eat Japanese beetles, grasshoppers, snails, slugs and mosquitoes.

* Clean unwanted plants from ponds and lakes.

* Eat up all table and gardening leftovers.

* Produce an abundance of valuable nitrogen-rich manure.

* And most important, provide you with low-cost meat and eggs.

Ducks are the easiest domestic birds to raise. They'll forage for much of their food, and they don't need to be pampered with expensive housing. You don't need a pond for them either, although these friendly birds certainly look beautiful swimming on one.

Dave Holderread has written Raising the Home Duck Flock for persons who want to raise ducks but don't know how to get started. Here is the answer. He explains how many ducks you should have for various conditions, which breeds may be best for you, where and how to buy them.

Dave doesn't leave you on your own after you've bought those ducks. His helpful material begins with incubation of eggs, covers how to rear ducklings and manage the adults, explains possible health problems and how to control them, and tells how to butcher the ducks -- with recipes for both the meat and the eggs, and practical suggestions on the use of the feathers and down.

Dave has raised ducks since his boyhood days, and he's taught hundreds in this country and Puerto Rico through vocational poultry programs. He knows his ducks, and he knows how to teach his subject.


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