Reviews by SueT

Pros: Friendly, intelligent, cute, photogenic
Cons: none yet
I am raising my first batch of Spitzhauben chicks and I am so impressed with them. They are friendly, trusting, and intelligent. The chicks figure out what to do in each new situation and don't make a fuss. On a recent segment of PBS's P. Allen Smith, he did a show on heritage breeds, spending part of it with a breeder of these chickens. She said, I've never had an aggressive rooster.
I have read that they are excellent free rangers, excellent egg layers. View attachment 1306989
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I will add to this review as mine grow up.
Edit on August 22
My Spitzhaubens are now 7 months old. I am still in love with this breed. I have 3 left after selling 2 cockerels. The cockerel is polite and takes care of his ladies. The 2 pullets are little egg laying machines, rarely a day goes by without 2 of their eggs. I hope to raise more!
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Purchase Price
Inexpensive from Cackle hatchery
We had a very aggressive rooster. He put my 3 yr old in the ER. He was NOT small. We did let him free range and he would roost on my porch every night. (Tried to add a pic). No we will never have another!
I am so sorry to hear about that! We had an aggressive cochin rooster. He was 3 ft. Tall and a good 15 pounds. He found a new home. Our tom usually keeps the roosters in check but this one was as big as him
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