Reviews by sekeyslaks

Pros: Good Layer,Very Friendly and Curious,Smart,great foragers,easily trained.
Cons: Independent,broody
Oh man I love my Easter Eggers,they are independent but obedient at the same time,Super friendly and easily trained due to their curiosity,this breed is prone to jealousy.My hen Cookie was very jealous once of four ducks that I was paying a lot of attention to,so much so,that any time they came near me,she puffed up her feathers and rushed them all the way back to the lake!XD then she would stand guard at my side.Good Layer's of large green to blue eggs.I recommend not putting these chickens near breeds that are pecky because they will have their beard destroyed!My EE rooster is Very Nice!
Pros: Good Layer,Very Friendly,Smart!
Cons: Noisy,Dominant,a little pushy and demanding for affection if it likes you.
My Black Star Onyx is a small chicken almost half the size of my Barred Rocks,but she has a confident personality,she is always the first to come when called and stalks me wherever I walk.She likes to jump on my back,she's very smart and learns things quickly you can literally see the gears moving!But I have found they are not a good choice for city dwellers because of how talkative they are.Also my Black Star is very dominant and picks on the more mild members like Buff Orpingtons!Their pecky too,not a good choice for kids.These chickens are very friendly with people they like and will demand attention and grow jealous very easily!They are fine layers too!:)
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