Reviews by cluck-cluck

Pros: Easy to use and accurate with tight controls 5 stars if wiring instructions were included
Cons: Doesn't monitor humidity and only gives temperature in degrees celcius, wiring diagram non existant, but you can find them on the internet or my tutor
After spending money on a water heater temperature controller, I discovered this device. The water heater controller cost half as much but had way more fluctuation in temperature, This device keeps the incubator at a temperature range of 0.3 degrees celcius. As long as your incubator can hold in the heat (I have to put a blanket on top of mine in cold weather), this device will give you the most stable temperatures. The sensor is at the end of a long wire that you poke through something like your vent hole, so the controls are always easily reached (outside the incubator) and you can put the sensor in ice water to see how accurate it is (should read 0). You can also calibrate it + 10 degrees celcius but I didn't need to do that, so I don't know how it's done.

I believe those wafers cost just as much, yet this device is so darn easy to use, and you can check the status at a glance and don't need a second thermostat sitting inside the incubator (possibly getting loose and smashing eggs) All in all, so glad to have found this thing!

See my tutorial on how to wire it!
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Pros: Very fun to watch, sweet personalities, IMO very pretty bird.
Cons: Hard to get up to SOP (what bird isn't?) Really needs more dedicated breeders.
My boy is super sweet and huggable, my girl is a bit afraid of me, but if I pick her up when she isn't expecting it, she calms down nicely and lets me pet her. She is not up to the standard in size, and is smaller than my leghorns. However, she seems to be going through a growing spurt at 19 weeks. These older breeds may continue to grow for quite a while. I was told 6 months, then they start filling out more. We shall see after they're a year old how large they get. I'm getting more eggs in the spring because I really love these birds and hope they'll lay well enough (at least 3 eggs a week) Then I'll be happy.
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