Reviews by begbfg

Pros: great for adding a few birds to your flock; auto turn feature makes it virtually hands-off until hatch day
Cons: Getting the egg shells out as the chicks hatch
I LOVE this incubator! It's a great incubator for the first-time hatcher! I was a bit nervous about hatching my own eggs, at first, but, as long as I followed the instructions that came with the unit, I and the eggs, were OK! I have to say, even though I've only used this incubator once, so far, I did have a 100% hatch rate! And all the hatchlings are now out in the grow-out coop, happy and healthy! I am very pleased with this product and I highly recommend this for anyone who wants to add a few birds to their flock! I plan on using this unit to replace my birds as they get older or need culling.
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Pros: Rooster is a great protector; beautiful plumage; great all-climate birds; very good layers; calm dispostion; bares confinement well
Cons: Doesn't like being handled but will tolerate it;
I have one RIR rooster (my breeder) and one RIR pullet. I love their feathering! The rooster is very protective of his chosen hens and tends not to fight with the other roosters in the flock unless absolutely necessary. My pullet lays regularly and produces large, dark brown eggs. Both eat willingly from my hand and tolerate a few strokes on the back on occasion. They're good foragers and can bare being "cooped" up but prefer to be out and about in the run. They get along well with the rest of the flock but like to get away from them on occasion. She's an infrequent broody. Both carry themselves with quiet confidence which tends to set them apart from the rest of the flock. A great breed, all in all.
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Pros: Friendly; easy to handle; great egg layer; good feed/weight ratio; beautiful feathering; bares confinement well; good all climate bird
Cons: can be skittish; doesn't like to be handled too much; not the broody type; tends to pick on the babies
My NHR pullet is a sweet girl. She's friendly yet a bit skittish but will eat from your hand. Not that easy to catch for health assessments. She has beautiful plumage when she's not molting or being mated constantly (she's one of the roos' favorites). She bares confinement well but loves to be out in the fresh air scratching around for bugs and worms to munch on. She lays large dark brown eggs on a regular basis. She gets along well with the rest of the flock and keeps the younger ones in line. She's a beautiful bird and an essential part of our flock!
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Pros: Hearty breed; great egg layers; friendly; curious; beautiful feathering
Cons: Tend to be a little skittish; infrequent broodiness
My Plymouth Rock pullets are of the Barred variety. They are beautiful birds and are quite willing to be hand fed. However, they don't care to be held and I have to chase them down for health checks. They're excellent layers of medium to dark brown large eggs, and they produce fairly well throughout the Winter months. Although they rarely become broody, they do mother our younger chicks fairly well. During the molt, they tend to keep most of their feathers and so do not get that bedraggled look about them. They're great foragers, eating the bugs and worms they find in their run. They get along well with the rest of our mixed flock. They bare conefinement well, but, like most chickens, prefer adequate space for exploration.
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Pros: Individual color patterns; friendly; easy to handle; great egg layers; protective roosters; fairly economical to feed; do well in hot and cold climate
Cons: Can be "moody" at times;
I have three black star roosters (used to have five, but gave two to a friend) and ten red star pullets. This is my first experience with chickens and I raised these from day-old chicks. The pullets produce large brown eggs from shades of light-pinkish brown to a nice pecan brown. They produce fairly well throughout the Winter months and very well in the Spring, Summer and Fall. Both breeds are very friendly. They don't mind being handled for short periods of time which makes it easier to check their health condition when you need to. They do well in confinement, but prefer to have space to wander about. They're good foragers and will supplement their own feed by finding various bugs and worms to eat. The roosters are great flock protectors and are constantly on the lookout for intruders. My friend (the one mentioned above) tells me that their meat is very tasty, as well. They also breed well. I hatched out seven of my flocks eggs and these birds are a little bit bigger than their parents were at the same age. All in all, the star breeds are great for people who are new to chickens and want plenty of eggs and good meat for their freezers.
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