Reviews by amyschickens1


Pros: blue/green eggs, lay quite a few eggs, males are pretty, can mix with any chickens, auto sexing
Cons: can be flappy, rare so expensive, not to broody
i only own one but my one is half blind
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Pros: great mums, lay quite alot of eggs, wide range of colour, great weeders, can be free range, great beginner chickens
Cons: they can be flighty at first to pick up, rats/birds of prey/raccons might try and kill them, do not like dogs
I own only 2 at the moment and they are silver Dutch bantams, we keep them in with our partridge pekin bantam cockerel. They have 2 chicks that are 6 weeks old now and they are a cross between dutch bantam and pekin bantams.


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Pros: Talktive, fluffy, good egg layer, can be friendly, good sitter, great for all wheather
Cons: cocks can be aggressive, like stay out in the rain, crowing is quite lound
I have 2 golden silkies 1s a hen and the other one is a cock. At the moment we are keeping them with our hybrids. Great for people that have had chickens before because they are difficult to catch and being so broodie can make them a bit grumpy. Payed 25 pounds each for them.
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