Recent content by TinyT-rexMomma

  1. TinyT-rexMomma

    Should I start watching my chickens?

    Yeh just the one looks ready. All the others look like they might be a while. But with larger breeds, they might be 7-8 months. It'll happen!
  2. TinyT-rexMomma

    CombNWattles’ Art

    Beautiful artwork. So sorry to hear that you lost your Lil Nappy😞
  3. TinyT-rexMomma

    Randy Baby a bonus chick with our hatchery order, figured out it was a buff cochin but wasn't sure if it was a pullet ot cockerel. Well yesterday when I put my hand inside the cage, it jumped onto it and started doing the rooster hustle. Pushed HIM off, he jumped on again which is when I gave him...
  4. TinyT-rexMomma

    Why HOA!?

    Raised to chicks in my backyard in a small coop. If your good with your neighbors, they won't turn you in. Don't be scared.
  5. TinyT-rexMomma

    Hen attacked

    Poor girl. If she's bleeding like that, she may be getting picked on my the rest of the flock. I'd keep her separated until she's healed. How did you integrate her? I just had to pull one I tried to put with my flock because she was being bullied . Comb pecking.
  6. TinyT-rexMomma

    Favorite actions or sounds of your birds?

    My little foundling, Hope , the one in the front, always wants "uppies" when we do the flocks morning feed. She then proceeds to tell me of everyone's past transgressions, quietly mumbling and grumbling in my ear. We have a conversation every day. She's just the sweetest little girl, lays the...
  7. TinyT-rexMomma

    Picture Of The Week (POW) Information & Submissions

    My beautiful survivor, Nott. She's supposed to be an Ameraucana, but we think she's a n EE. Love her and her huge blugreen eggs.
  8. TinyT-rexMomma

    Share your egg management tips!

    Wash in room temp water just before we use. Otherwise the eggs stay on the counter.
  9. TinyT-rexMomma

    Anyone know what this bump might be?

    Looks like bumble foot. Lots of good info on how to treat it in this site. Just take a search. Good luck!
  10. TinyT-rexMomma

    The AMERAUCANA thread

    Our first flock was Ameraucanas. Amazing. Sweet birds. Unfortunately, 2 loose dogs killed all but 2. Miss my girls terribly.
  11. TinyT-rexMomma

    Different marans in with my FBCM

    Very similar. I'll try to get pix tomo.
  12. TinyT-rexMomma

    Different marans in with my FBCM

    Our FBCM are 4 months old now and 1 does not have ANY copper feathers. Very glossy black with iridescent green, violet sheen. Might not be a pullet as it has longer redder wattles than the rest. Could it be Black Marans? Will post pics tomorrow.
  13. TinyT-rexMomma

    Do you Clean out poop from the run?

    Both. And the nest boxes. I use 50/50 mix of water to white vinegar in a quart spray bottle, 20 drops each sweet orange and peppermint essential oil. Shake and spray a light mist over everything. I do this every other day, but scrape daily. You can also use lavender in place of orange if your...
  14. TinyT-rexMomma

    Do your birds talk to you?

  15. TinyT-rexMomma

    Do your birds talk to you?

    Wish I could record her. None of our other chickens sound like her. She gets to go live with the flock next week. I hope that her new sisters understand her😝🙄
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