lazy gardener
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  • I just wanted to thank you for the advise with the roosters. It is so refreshing having a group I can ask questions to as I learn more about my chickens. I am a quick study and after having to give up my first babies (cows) I have really took to the chickens and love how much joy they bring. I have a ways to go but I am not sure how I ever made it without my feathery friends before. Again thank you!
    Hello just wanted to say thanks for advice on my eggs I have incubating you called it "temps spiked all day on day 14" I haven't researched why yet but I sat with these babies all day lol
    Thank you God bless
    iam in centeral scotland,, no other pet turkeys around to ask owners advice, and my poor vet doesn't know, he was from a farm breeding for meat, but their only advice on feeding was to fatten as quickly as possible, poor little thing couldn't walk but we dont want to under feed him either. Should he get worked
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    lazy gardener
    lazy gardener
    Your whole post did not show. If you go to private message, I can respond appropriately. But, I have no experience with turkeys.
    How did you hold up in the wind, fellow Mainer?
    Hope things went well. Have a nice evening.
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    lazy gardener
    lazy gardener
    Lots of widow makers, and snags, some 6" diameter down behind coop. Trees and clumps of trees uprooted around perimeter of back yard. Buildings intact. Some surrounding roads look like a war zone with power lines laying on ground. Trees still laying across lines. I drove over 3 downed lines 2 days ago. We were w/o power for 2.5 days. You?
    The Angry Hen
    The Angry Hen
    Wow. They left the trees hanging on the lines for five days here. I am glad everyone is okay and you didn't have to go long without power. We sadly lost 50 trees in our wood. We are glad that they weren't close to the house- Doesn't look like our property though, devastating.
    The Angry Hen
    The Angry Hen
    Everything else stayed intact, although we lost power for about a week, just got it back today. I am glad that nothing bad had happened to you and yours.
    (Sorry for two posts. I had too many characters. Ha ha).
    Hello! How are you today? I figure I'd drop in and say hi. :)
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    lazy gardener
    lazy gardener
    I never drop in here, so don't be surprised if I don't respond. I'm great... fighting a migraine. How are you?
    The Angry Hen
    The Angry Hen
    That's okay, I understand. :) Hope you feel better! I have a cold at the moment, but I am doing okay, thank you. Can't believe it's already October. Boy do these months keep flying past or what... At least give me a moment to blink! Haha.
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