Recent content by clumberfam

  1. C

    Peafowl potentially looking for homes

    forgot to add, we're in Southern NJ
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    Peafowl potentially looking for homes

    I have a trio that I will need to place shortly. Black shoulder male and two BS females -proven producers that lay approximately 25 eggs per year. They are about 10 years old and I've had them since my friend hatched them. Unfortunately our situation has changed a bit and they are getting NO...
  3. C

    Anyone Else with Low Egg Production?

    ours are 2 1/2 years old and going thru an ugly molt. We lost three of the eight - not sure why. Didn't seem to be egg bound but I just don't know - sick for a day then gone. The others are fine but have virtually stopped laying despite having extra light on a timer. We were getting 4 - 5...
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    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    we had 8 hens. One got tossed out of the group because she was eating eggs. Another was moved in with the peas because the other hens were picking on her badly. Had 6 good ones for a while but lost one last week and another looks like she's going to die tomorrow - not eating or leaving the...
  5. C

    Anyone have any good tips and tricks that are Cheap and easy to boost protein and nutrition for chickens?

    ours get cat food when the others are fed and seem to do well with it. We just get cheap WalMart cat food (without the dye) and they all love it and do well on it.
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    Dust bath questions

    what material should be used for a dust bath area? I had heard sand maybe but what kind of sand? Playground sand? construction sand? beach sand?
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    maggots on eggs in nest?

    only 7 hens, the coop is about 4 x 8 (that's their side - they share it with the peas who have a bit more room since they're bigger), the run is 8 x 16 with a playhouse inside where we put their flock block to keep it out of the weather. We did have to separate out one of the hens because they...
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    maggots on eggs in nest?

    Went to pick up eggs this afternoon and found them covered in little maggots! Recent's been godawful hot here. I added some straw from a neighbor's place thinking the eggs would stay cleaner in the nest and now this? the only other time I've seen maggots is in a box of eggs that...
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    missing feathers, frantic dirt bathing

    we don't have a rooster. They do get the all-flock interspersed with their regular feed but they don't really seem to be a fan of it. The flock block hopefully provides interest as well as some extra grain. Tried regular scratch grains...they were not overly impressed.
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    missing feathers, frantic dirt bathing

    Not sure if this is the place to post this or not. Although we do have a few hens I know virtually nothing about them. they're about 2 years old now and give us eggs (on layer feed, I know at least that much). About a year ago they started losing feathers and some are quite bald. Some, on...
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    Comment by 'clumberfam' in article 'What Happens When the Chicken Keeper Is Sick?'

    best to get adults if you can find them and not kids, no matter how responsible they might be. Had a 10 yr. old kiddo - quite responsible!- not realize they would need their water filled so not sure at what point in the 4 days they ran our of water. The mom apologized for not checking on her...
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    we noticed we were getting fewer eggs and I think I found out why. My husband found a black snake behind the nest box trying to eat an egg that had rolled there. Today when I went to collect eggs there were 2 fewer than usual and I saw a black snake hanging on the opposite wall. How do you...
  13. C

    Do you think chickens would like a playhouse?

    My girls have one of those Little Tykes play houses in their run and they like it! They sit in the 'kitchen' windows, rest inside on the 'counter' when it rains and generally spend time running in and out of it. Makes a nice outdoor shelter for them and something else interesting in the run.
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    How do you find reliable help?

    they had a lovely little dog who was doing really well with our agility training (my 4H group - her mother is my co-leader so I thought I had it made). Well, we were away and the mom texted me to ask if I knew of a vet who was open. Gave her some choices as well as emergency vet contacts...
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    How do you find reliable help?

    Had to be away for almost two weeks so I 'hired' a 4H/FFA kid to care for my birds during that time. Showed this one around, even have detailed instructions hanging on the fence. Checked in occasionally (I'd said to take the eggs home) to see that all was going well. She said they were fine...
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