
Chickens are unique creatures with there varying colors, patterns, combs, feathers, and temperaments. While chickens are so different one of the most unique features about them are is their eggs. Each egg is a different shape, size, and color. But what colors make up a chicken egg rainbow? What breeds lay the different eggs? How can I obtain them? Well let me tell you!

If you are getting started with chickens and you have only bought super market eggs before you have probably only seen brown and white eggs. The eggs found in super markets are laid by production breeds such as red sex links that lay a huge brown egg and leghorns that lay a huge white egg. But you can get much more colors than you typical brown and white eggs. Eggs can come in blue, green/olive, white, dark brown, brown, light brown/pink, and speckled. Eggs can come in beautiful shades I have gotten eggs blue as the sky and brown as the dirt. Eggs provide a more natural color than really bright colors we see around us all the time.

Now that you know the different colors chickens lay what breeds lay them? Marans lay a dark chocolate shade of egg. Blue, splash, and black copper Marans lay the darkest shade of egg. Marans are a more expensive breed due to their gorgeous egg color. A breed that lays blue eggs is the Ameracuana not to be confused with Americana which is a name for Easter Eggers to trick people into thinking they are purchasing true Ameracauna. Ameracuans lay a beautiful baby blue egg that is highly desirable. Olive Eggers are a hybrid will lay varying shades of olive to khaki eggs. Olive Eggers are usually breed using Marans and Ameracuanas. Welsummers lay a beautiful speckled egg with a brown base. They are also frequently used to breed Olive Eggers. The leghorn will add a large white egg to your basket. These birds lay huge eggs almost every. Orpingtons are used to get a light brown almost pinkish egg.

Were can you obtain these colored eggs? Many can be bought from online hatchery's such as Cackle hatchery, Murray McMurray hatchery, Hoover hatchery, Mt healthy hatchery, and Meyer hatchery. Plenty of breeders carry these breeds so you should have no problem finding SOP hatching eggs or chicks. If you want to start basic your local Tractor Supply Co, Royal King, or Southern States should have some good options. I would recommend ordering them yourself from an online hatchery because tsc and other feed store are notorious for not knowing what they are talking about breed wise.

Many other breeds can lay eggs like these but this is a quick overview for those getting started. There are other hatchery's also but again a quick overview.