Six Tips On Breaking Your Egg Eater

Excellent advice, but the most effective way to stop an egg eater is to have her for dinner.
Great article and excellent advice.
Very good article. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it.
This is timeless and so interesting.
Busted 3 out of 5 of my flock in corner this morning, egg on faces. As the girls have litterally just started laying this week I know the shells are slightly weak. Boosting the protein and trying the egg bombs!
*edited to add*
I have just tried the egg filled with dish soap on my Mother in Laws old maltese cross shitzu. Hes been an egg eater as long as he lived with her (but she never told us that when she sent him to live with us) and the absolute disgusted look on his face! he doesn't look like he'll be going near the coop for awhile
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I wouldn't try removing nesting material in my laying boxes. Otherwise, I liked the article.
Just eat the egg eater. Works every time and quit tossing eggs to your protein starved flocked. Management.
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I've been plagued with egg eaters before, never tried any of these tips but I think I will now. A good read, well written.
It is very difficult to stop egg eating. It can be done however with a ton of intervention. This article gives you some valuable tips to curb the eating.
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Great tips on ways to break an egg eater. Having numerous options is great. If one doesn't work, move onto the next.
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Egg eating can be very difficult to stop. Another way to increase protein is to give them growers pellets but be sure to have plenty of oyster shell available.
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Articles saving grace is the instructions on prevention. Those are actually the best instructions for stopping egg eating.

Pecking an egg to see if it is good for hatching is normal hen behavior. Also normal is eating the egg if it breaks.

It is simple but can be hard to order to stop egg eating, fix the egg shells!
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