My First Flock of Feathered Friends

I've always wanted backyard poultry, and while I always thought chickens were the only option, whenI saw ducks it was love at first sight. When we moved to a 5 acre house with no HOA, ducks were the first things we got, 3 day old ducklings from Metzer Farms.

Here they are on the day we got them (August 3rd, 2016)
There are 5 White Layers and 5 Golden 300 Hybrids. One drake of each variety.
Augu 3r copy.JPG

From the very first day their was no way to keep them out of the water.
August 3.jpg
August 8th.jpg

They grew up fast. From itty bitty ducklings to toddlers:
August 16.jpg

And they grew up just like any other duck, with endless love for all things dirt and water. And mud.
August 19th.jpg
Aug 19.jpg
Aug 19.jpg

At one month old, they were no longer little ducklings. They were all grown up.
9:18 hey.JPG

By October they were already accomplishing adult responsibilities, like helping us look for pecans:

Practicing their synchronized hawk watching:

And digging holes in mud.

Weeks passed.

The drake finally got his full coat of feathers, beautiful colors on his head and wings.
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They flapped their wings and tried to fly
Flying Duck dec 28 2016.jpg

And the white drake was assured of his masculinity by the little curly feather on his tail
Male duck dec 28 16.JPG

All was well.

And then this happened.
Egg Dec 21 2016.jpg

The very first egg.

Soon we very getting three a day. Then 8. They were grown ducks now.

But of course that didn't stop them from doing what they love.

Then tragedy struck. In September, a month after their first birthday, a fox attacked. We lost one duck that sad day, a Golden 300 we had dubbed "Loud" for her outgoing, obnoxious personality.

But life went on.

September 15 2017.jpg

They went through a molt... and one drake found himself a mate that he's now never seen without.
sept 15.jpg

It snowed, and they left waddle prints everywhere...

And just when they thought they were safe, they were attacked again, by a hawk. It got it's talons on one, our "pretty" duck, but she managed to survive through the hardships and is still thriving today.

So they look forward to a bright future full of peas, corn, worms, and, of course, lots and lots of mud.

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About author
Crazy Duck Girl. Enough said?


I've got to say, that was a real nice feel good slideshow + story. It has the innocence of youth and foraging together, the hardship of attack, the excitement of the first egg, the victory of escape, watchfulness from experience, the beauty of romance, and all in accordance with the life of the fantastic ducks with freedom to have fun.

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