The same way you can eat mangoes and benefit from their many health benefits, so can your chickens. A mango is a healthy treat that comes with a variety of health benefits for your birds.

Besides having a delicious taste, this tropical fruit has a high nutritional profile. You can help your chickens stay healthy and productive by feeding them mangoes. If you want to raise a flock that is happy, you should only focus on that.

Why Should You Feed Mangos To Your Chickens?​


Mangos are both nutritious and delicious, and they're also easy to eat. Most importantly, they enhance the health of your chicken. Adding mangoes to your bird's diet will help make its diet nutritionally balanced. A balanced diet for your chicken may be improved by adding mangoes to its diet.

Mangoes also contain small amounts of pantothenic acid, calcium, phosphorus, iron, and selenium.

Mangos Are High In Antioxidants​

Mangoes are high in polyphenols, which act as antioxidants. Mangoes contain over a dozen different types of these antioxidants.

In order to protect cells from free radical damage, antioxidants are essential. When they come into contact with cells, free radicals are extremely destructive. So, polyphenols like the mangiferin in mangos could reduce the effects of free radicals.

Mangos May Boost Immunity​

Immunity plays a significant role in maintaining a healthy chicken. That is why you should consider supplementing their regular diet with a few slices of mango. Due to the immune-boosting nutrients in mangoes, you'll be able to help them maintain a strong immune system.

Mangoes contain 10% of vitamin A in just a few grams. It is vital for boosting the immunity of your fowl. As a result, it protects your flock from infections and other common illnesses.

They get almost three-quarters of their daily vitamin needs from the same quantity of mangoes as well. Vitamin C is known for promoting the production of white blood cells.

In the body, white cells fight disease-causing organisms. Because of this, your birds will remain healthy thanks to their immune system.

Mangoes are also rich in folate, vitamin B, vitamin E, and vitamin K, which boost the immune system. You should provide your chickens with a balanced diet that contains a few mangoes to help them reach their health goals.

Mangos Can Support Heart Health​

Your chicken's heart will benefit from the nutrients found in mangoes. In addition to maintaining a healthy heart and lowering blood pressure levels, magnesium and potassium are essential for maintaining a healthy pulse and relaxing blood vessels.

An antioxidant called mangiferin has been shown to protect heart cells against inflammation in animal studies. Moreover, it can lower oxidative stress and blood cholesterol levels, as well as fatty acids. Together, these factors can help your chicken maintain a healthy heart.

Mangos Can Improve Digestive Health​

In addition to their health benefits, mangoes have many qualities that aid your chicken's digestion. A healthy digestive system will keep your poultry happy and healthy. This will improve meat and egg quality. Feeding them mangoes is one of the best ways to help them achieve this goal.

Mangoes contain digestive enzymes called amylases. To make large chunks of food digestible, digestive enzymes break them down. Most complex carbohydrates are broken down into sugars such as maltose and glucose by amylases.

Mangos have large amounts of both water and dietary fiber that may also benefit your chicken's digestion. Because of this, your birds won't experience digestive problems like constipation and diarrhea.

How To Feed Mangos To Your Chickens?​


You should know how to feed mangos to your flock. Now that mangos are your chicken's treat of choice, they must be ripe. Your birds will love pecking at mangos when they are ripe because they are easy to eat.

Feeding them can be done in two ways:

  1. Toss the mango pieces to your birds after you slice them into tiny pieces. Ensure that the area where you are throwing the slices of mango is clean. In this way, your chickens will not get sick from eating dirt.
  2. In the second method, you hang large mango pieces so your flock can eat them. This will entice them to enjoy their new treat. To prevent over-eating, make sure each bird gets the same amount of the treat.

Mangos and other delicious treats should not account for more than 10% of the entire meal. It is enough to ensure that they eat their usual meals instead of relying on treats. When these amounts are included in their staple feed, they also provide them with their daily nutritional needs.

Can I feed my chickens mango peels?​

Mango peels are fine to feed your birds, but there are some things to keep in mind. Mango skins contain urushiol, a substance that can trigger allergic reactions in people.

In addition, the peels don't taste as good as the juicy flesh, so your birds might not like them.

Last but not least, the peels may contain pesticide residues, which can lead to serious health issues for your chickens. That said, it would be best if you avoid giving your chickens mango peels at all costs.

In Conclusion:​

There is no doubt that your chickens can eat mangoes. Mangoes are safe, tasty, and nutritious. However, if you want them to remain healthy and productive, don't feed them too frequently.

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