Reviews by SE_Gardener

Top 10 Best Egg Producing Chicken Breeds

8 min read
4.65 star(s) 17 ratings
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Unfortunately people think the barred Plymouth Rocks are a single breed. Recognized varieties include Barred, White, Buff, Silver, Penciled, Partridge, Columbian, Blue, and Black - but not all varieties are the best egg layers or meat birds. The Plymouth Rock is one of the oldest breeds of American chickens with the Barred and White Plymouth Rocks the two oldest varieties and both considered great egg layers and also true dual purpose birds as meat birds. I raise White Plymouth Rock and experience 6 eggs per week throughout the year with a slight production drop to 5-6 eggs per week during the deepest month of winter. I cull at 2.5 years because Plymouth Rocks are slow molters, shedding feathers over a 4-5 month period slowing egg laying way down or even stopped for that time. I raise White Plymouth Rocks for the pullets to cross with my meat strain New Hampshire Roo to produce Golden Comets, the cross Hubbard Farms made famous as trademarked production egg laying machines . They lay 7 eggs per week are small 4.5# birds, easy keepers, free range well and are economical to raise as not big eaters. Traits that not all red sex link birds possess.
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