Winter Brooding Advice

Not sure what you mean by coop heater option. The Sweeter Heater is an infrared radiant heat and only heats the animal under/near it and not the entire coop. I am
very happy with it. My chicks are 3 weeks old and I have just been raising the heater up as they grow. The chicks have been jumping onto the heater and I do not have to worry about them. Sweeter Heater an American Company, check out their website.
I haven’t found a temperature rating on their website. Do you know how cold it can be and still function properly? What’s the coldest temps you’ve used it in?
I haven’t found a temperature rating on their website. Do you know how cold it can be and still function properly? What’s the coldest temps you’ve used it in?
We had 2 nights of low single digits. A week in the teens, both night and day temps. This is my first brood using this heater, but it will be my go to. I like the fact when they start jumping and trying out their wings I don't have to worry about them hitting the red bulbed heat lamp.
We had 2 nights of low single digits. A week in the teens, both night and day temps. This is my first brood using this heater, but it will be my go to. I like the fact when they start jumping and trying out their wings I don't have to worry about them hitting the red bulbed heat lamp.
I may look into it. It sounds better than what I have.
I am a big fan of heat plates over lamps personally. Chicks need access to warmth but ALSO the ability to cool off as needed. Plus, heat plates (or the DIY version with a heating pad, which is what I actually use) allow it to get dark at night. Which just seems nicer for the chicks. Mine all have gone to bed and slept all night (SILENTLY!) using a heat plate.

I suggest building your setup and testing it out with you there to observe. It’s pretty easy to see and hear if the chicks are happy. Quiet peeps and twitters are good. “Car alarm” urgent cheeps mean something is wrong in their little world. As long as the space is free of drafts and your heat plate is large enough and rated for lower temps (brands vary), the heat plate should work great.

Another option is to keep them indoors in an old packnplay. I recommend putting a crib sheet (not a pack n play sheet - one for a crib) over the top to keep anyone from hopping out as they grow. That won’t get them all the way to 6 weeks though…only about .5 sq ft per bird with 15. So you’d need to find two that are cheap enough to “sacrifice” to fit all 15 if you go that route. They wouldn’t be fit for a human after this 😅. And if you have two, you’ll need to reintegrate the flock later on 🤔.

Anyway, maybe some of those ramblings are helpful.
I have a barely used 2 man tent set up in my spare room, with the heating pad/heat plate and fresh fluffy pine shavings, and windows unzipped, waiting for them... Will this work?
I have a barely used 2 man tent set up in my spare room, with the heating pad/heat plate and fresh fluffy pine shavings, and windows unzipped, waiting for them... Will this work?
Sounds good to me! You may want to keep them to a smaller area the first few days so they dont get lost (yes they are that dumb as babies), but sounds good!

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