Where do ducks lay their eggs outside?


Feb 10, 2022
Hi all, happy holidays!
New to ducks here. I have 11 Khaki Campbells and Cayugas from Metzer. Surprisingly, one of the Khakis started laying this week at age 4 months. The setup is a secure barn, with an acre or so of unfenced pasture around it, and a 1/3 acre pond about 200 feet from the barn, and brush / light woods surrounding the pond. They were coming into the barn to sleep during the snowstorm the past several days, but yesterday the temps rose to 40^F, so, they decided to sleep out at the pond last night. Where would this duck lay her egg today? By the pond in the brush? Are they any tips or hacks on where and how to find their eggs in the morning? or how to encourage them to lay in a particular spot? I would like to sell the eggs at the local grocery store so am hoping to make a consistent morning collection.
Hi all, happy holidays!
New to ducks here. I have 11 Khaki Campbells and Cayugas from Metzer. Surprisingly, one of the Khakis started laying this week at age 4 months. The setup is a secure barn, with an acre or so of unfenced pasture around it, and a 1/3 acre pond about 200 feet from the barn, and brush / light woods surrounding the pond. They were coming into the barn to sleep during the snowstorm the past several days, but yesterday the temps rose to 40^F, so, they decided to sleep out at the pond last night. Where would this duck lay her egg today? By the pond in the brush? Are they any tips or hacks on where and how to find their eggs in the morning? or how to encourage them to lay in a particular spot? I would like to sell the eggs at the local grocery store so am hoping to make a consistent morning collection.
So I'd personally suggest getting a few small dog houses and make them surrounded by bushes and plants in locations that you feel are safer and places you find eggs, fill them with nice bedding and put either new eggs or fake eggs to encourage them to use the "nest boxes".
So I'd personally suggest getting a few small dog houses and make them surrounded by bushes and plants in locations that you feel are safer and places you find eggs, fill them with nice bedding and put either new eggs or fake eggs to encourage them to use the "nest boxes".
Perfect. Thanks ;)
Mine ignore their dog house but mostly lay in the coop nestboxes. Nests have been found amongst snowberries under the pines, near the trunks of the lilacs, along the edges of a felled tree/brush pile, and tunneled into another brush pile. I've lost 2 girls the 1st night they vanished so collect those eggs! Random eggs seem to be wherever they drop.
Mine ignore their dog house but mostly lay in the coop nestboxes. Nests have been found amongst snowberries under the pines, near the trunks of the lilacs, along the edges of a felled tree/brush pile, and tunneled into another brush pile. I've lost 2 girls the 1st night they vanished so collect those eggs! Random eggs seem to be wherever they drop.
OK so it sounds like letting them sleep outdoors unenclosed is not practical for repeat & preductable egg collections for market.
I house my ducks inside at night
I have dog crates set up with the doors removed
Most my girls lay in the dog house or beside them
The odd girl will lay outside usually by water dishes or pools
I leave my coop open all day and most of mine will go back in to lay if I let then out before they lay
With yours being fully free range day and night it may really be hard to find eggs
I would think closer to the water but really could be anywhere
If it’s possible for you to do
I would have them come in at night
Use treats or feed to get them to go to the barn
They will get a routine and start heading in on their own in no time
Not only will this be better for finding eggs but keeping your flock safe from predators at night when their vision is much less
If predators start getting them then you will have less egg

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