What's eating our eggs?


Feb 11, 2021
The last few days when I've gone to collect eggs, there have been no eggs ... just remnants of egg shell. A couple have been almost whole eggs with the top removed and the inside gone. At first I thought my neighbor's guineas were getting into the coop while my chickens were out, so I've been making sure the coop door stays closed all the time. But I'm still losing eggs.

My theories are, it's either a rat, a snake, or the chickens themselves. But ... there aren't any droppings in the coop and given that rats poop everywhere I don't think it's a rat. It could have been a snake but I think snakes eat the eggs whole? That leaves the chickens, but I'm pretty sure they would eat the shell along with the contents of the eggs. So I'm stumped. It can't be a larger predator because our coop is buttoned up pretty tight. Nothing big enough to eat a chicken could get in, but I could see a rat or snake maybe getting in through some of the smaller gaps. Anyway if it was a larger predator, I think they'd probably also be eating the chickens.

I've got a camera out there right now but it hasn't caught anything unusual yet. Ideas?
If you have chickens eating these eggs, you might see yolk on faces.
Set up a game camera? Not a bad idea anyway. Can you keep everyone in for a few days? If eggs keep getting eaten, and your coop is really predator proof, it's a chicken.
Opossums will do this, and also will eat chickens if they are inside the coop at night.
Rats, likely there would be poo visible somewhere.

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