What is a good poultry show for my 11 year old daughter?


Jan 14, 2020
My daughter, 11, has raised golden comets for approximately 5 years and has shown at our local 4h fair for the last 3 years. For her birthday I would like to take her to a larger show (just as a spectator) that also has workshops about showing, caring for your flock, etc. in addition to the judging. We are willing to fly and not planning on taking our own birds yet. Any suggestions? I have been on poultry show central, but it does not look like all of the dates are updated for 2020 yet.
Letting people know your general location is helpful, even if you are planning to fly.

I'm in Ohio and attended the large (over 8,000 entries) Ohio National Poultry show. It is said to be the largest poultry show and typically occurs in November. Check out their facebook page for pictures. It was over the course of 2 days, yet no workshops that I was aware of. There were breeders clubs present with tables and information, and there were many vendors selling items, from incubators, wing bands, meds, and decor. I'm not sure how other large shows work.

However, if she is in 4-H, you may have some opportunities within 4-H. Last year my 4-H kid (who shows chickens) attended a poultry education day at Ohio State specifically for 4-H kids. They went over chickens, ducks, geese, meat chickens. There was a Q&A session during lunch and it was great for the kids - they got to ask the very experienced poultry people questions, but didn't have to stay - it was lunchtime, so it was an informal Q&A. My kid even got to do a necropsy on a dead bird, and had individual instruction during this event. But all the kids were poultry enthusiasts, and show poultry through 4-H if not other venues. Check out your 4-H yearly guide - or ask at your 4-H office about these kinds of opportunities. .

Get a subscription to Poultry Press, it has info on upcoming shows and publishes results too.
Great information, thank you. And I forgot to put that we are in Indiana, so location is ideal too!
My daughter, 11, has raised golden comets for approximately 5 years and has shown at our local 4h fair for the last 3 years. For her birthday I would like to take her to a larger show (just as a spectator) that also has workshops about showing, caring for your flock, etc. in addition to the judging. We are willing to fly and not planning on taking our own birds yet. Any suggestions? I have been on poultry show central, but it does not look like all of the dates are updated for 2020 yet.
:welcome :frow Look again. At a APA sanctioned show, there is not a class for utility birds which sex-links fall into. I show my birds. Good luck and have fun.

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