What grit should I use?


May 17, 2022
I read I should switch my chickens to adult grit so I was looking on amazon (local TSC is out of all grit) and there were pretty much two options. A 5lb probiotic poultry grit for 6 bucks and a 25lb regular poultry grit for 14 bucks. Which is better? I don't think I need a 25lb bag right now but will the probiotics cause problems if they don't need them constantly? or would it be healthier for them to have the probiotics?
Either works. Mine just get whatever gravel they forage out of the yard. Buy what you need. Grit will keep forever. I've not heard about chickens needing extra probiotics. They can't hurt, but probably aren't necessary.
Either works. Mine just get whatever gravel they forage out of the yard. Buy what you need. Grit will keep forever. I've not heard about chickens needing extra probiotics. They can't hurt, but probably aren't necessary.
Thanks for the reply! I'll probably go with the probiotic one in that case since it's cheaper and I only have 5 hens so I don't need a huge bag. Especially since they forage in my yard and have some gravel in their run. Just want to supply a little extra for them to get as needed.
The probiotics is honestly mostly a gimmick so I'd just go with whichever is easier to store. With just 5 hens, that small bag will last you years and years.
That's what I was thinking. I'd never use up a 25lb bag and my shed is already pretty crowded so it'd be a lot easier to find room for the small bag. Thanks for the input!
That's what I was thinking. I'd never use up a 25lb bag and my shed is already pretty crowded so it'd be a lot easier to find room for the small bag. Thanks for the input!
👍 I also have a small bag "with probiotics" and I only chose it because 1) it's a small bag but I still anticipate having it for years and 2) the size of the grit was what I was looking for, as I like to have bigger and smaller adult grit on hand.
I agree that either will be fine and that the small bag will last a long time. Just the way thev supply chain has been, I recommend the big bag - maybe two. Not worry about it ever again.
Thanks for the advice! That's a good point about the supply chain. I think I'm gonna just get the small one for now though. I'll see how much they eat the first couple weeks and determine if I should get a bigger bag. They had a real small chick grit bag and it lasted forever. Still have a lot left.

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