What does poo like this mean ?


Jul 30, 2020

I was hoping someone might be able to offer some advice or their opinion. My 3 year old silkie dropping this morning is a bit green and it looks like pellets (although they are soft not solid) .

I’m not sure if I need to take her to the vet or if if there is something I should be trying at home first (our vet is over an hours drive and the hens get stressed travelling so far)

I changed their feed this week to new smaller layers pellets (and the pellets in the poo are same size as new layers) as I’ve had one hen laying soft shelled eggs. I had them on a complete mix but realised some of the girls were picking out just the corn and the shrimp and leaving the pellets so I assumed there was a calcium deficiency.

They’ve also been suffering from red mite and have had a treatment 4 days ago of exzolt in their water. My flock are mycroplasma positive and they have been sneezing a bit since the red mites but have held of on antibiotics and been using vet r x.

I had them worm counted about 3 weeks ago and all came back clear.

Any advice is much appreciated

Thank you
When my chicken’s poop looked like that it was a sign of physical starvation, she had feed but she had a resp infection and wasn’t able to eat it with all the swelling and pain. I put her on baby bird food for concentrated nutrients and had to crop feed her the liquid through a tube for a while. I was taught how to do it by the experts on this forum.

Get onto antibiotic meds for that mycoplasma ASAP, okay, it can cause all kind of downstream issues.

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