what breed is my bantam? from a newbie

Thanks for the tip. I looked up the Cochin Bantams and think she could be either a Buff or a Red (she is very red now so will see what she looks like as she gets older). I always thought a chicken was a chicken was a chicken!
Chickens are as different from each other as people are, that's one reason they are such interesting pets. Have fun!
I told my mother today that i cannot believe i have lived on this planet for 39 years
and not realized how incredible chickens are. I cant explain it, but i think anyone who would be here to even read this would just know. I think if i stopped talking about my chicks.......I wouldn't have anything to say. I hope that goes away a little bit.
Hello Everyone and thanks for the replies.
After I posted I left to take summer school for five weeks so have not been in touch. Can't believe how much the chix have grown in the last weeks

Hopefully will soon be laying some eggs - they are only, barely 4 months old so have a bit yet - the freeloaders!

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