Welsh Harlequin vs Silver Appleyard ?


Premium Feather Member
Sep 21, 2022
How can you tell the difference between w Welsh Harlequin drake, and a Silver Appleyard drake?
Also curious about the hens.... but I think the eye “stripes” on the hens is the indicator...
I do have pix of the drake I feel confident was a Welshie, as well as pix of the boy we currently have - who was supposed to be a Welshie.... but I’m not so sure he is.
I will upload pix if there is a question- I have been pouring over the forums and the internet and I’ve not found an answer as to how to tell them apart.
How can you tell the difference between w Welsh Harlequin drake, and a Silver Appleyard drake?
Also curious about the hens.... but I think the eye “stripes” on the hens is the indicator...
I do have pix of the drake I feel confident was a Welshie, as well as pix of the boy we currently have - who was supposed to be a Welshie.... but I’m not so sure he is.
I will upload pix if there is a question- I have been pouring over the forums and the internet and I’ve not found an answer as to how to tell them apart.
Reading this while prepping Blanche the big silver appleyard hen for bumblefoot surgery so heres a picture of her
Her chest is much whiter than any of the others i have and she has much more white all around 20230909_195626.jpg
How can you tell the difference between w Welsh Harlequin drake, and a Silver Appleyard drake?
Also curious about the hens.... but I think the eye “stripes” on the hens is the indicator...
I do have pix of the drake I feel confident was a Welshie, as well as pix of the boy we currently have - who was supposed to be a Welshie.... but I’m not so sure he is.
I will upload pix if there is a question- I have been pouring over the forums and the internet and I’ve not found an answer as to how to tell them apart.
How can you tell the difference between w Welsh Harlequin drake, and a Silver Appleyard drake?
Also curious about the hens.... but I think the eye “stripes” on the hens is the indicator...
I do have pix of the drake I feel confident was a Welshie, as well as pix of the boy we currently have - who was supposed to be a Welshie.... but I’m not so sure he is.
I will upload pix if there is a question- I have been pouring over the forums and the internet and I’ve not found an answer as to how to tell them apart.
I would think you would be able to see the eye stripes when he is in eclipse plumage. I had a 1/2 Appleyard 1/2 Khaki drake and his eye stripes were visible every fall and early winter.
This was my original flock- purchased via special order through my local feed store but they came from Murray McMurray according to the staff. Khaki Campbell hens, Welsh harlequin hens, and a WH drake
But my original “welshies” were BIG!
Like 6-7# or more. The pic of my kiddo holding the drake, she is about 5’ 7” for scale.


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My second crew was supposed to be “purebred” welsh harlequin ducks - and they are clearly not.
I know I have one Welshie hen - because I hatched her from my last batch.
The others that I picked up from Craigslist were juvenile when I got them, and, they looked the part when they didn’t have adult feathers- but most of them do not look the part now that they do (have adult feathers)
So then.
I brought in more welshies from Metzer.
But I’m pretty sure that the one I lost to a niacin deficiency after a long fight to save the baby... was my drake :(
Now I’m trying to figure out if my sassy little drake that we currently have is a Welshie, an Appleyard, or just a mutt.
His leg color is throwing me off for sure.
I had planned to place him w my other mixed females, because they are young, healthy, and good layers- but I hatch eggs and don’t really want to hatch “barnyard mixes”. I want to hatch and place welshies, and am trying to figure this out.
He has white “edging” on the feathers on his back. But so did my Welshie drake. He is a lot smaller, and much more sassy / protective of his hens than my last drake. I see no eye stripes. The coloration is very similar. And he’s in the middle of a molt - so. There is also that.
All opinions are welcome.
I am just trying to decide if I need to order another drake - so I don’t get caught short when the cold weather sets in....


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