
Apr 16, 2022
We're NEW (in our first year) at the whole chicken owning thing, so please bear with me.
So here's my weird question- could a bantam have laid the middle egg in the picture?
My Silver laced Wyandotte lays the darker brown egg in the picture, so I don't think it's hers, my other two standard sized are Ameracuanas who lay blue eggs, and I have a bantam old English game hen (the small egg in the picture), and a Bantam cochin who lays dark brown eggs.
Did Chip (our very VERY teeny old English) lay this ginormous egg? Is she ok? Does this happen often?
Picture of Chip for tax, because she's adorable. 🥰
It's possible. Don't count on it being regular though. It's likely a double yolker if it did come from a bantam
Oof, I hope it wouldn't be regular! My poor girl! 😂
She's the sweetest little thing, so patient with the kids and follows me all around "just hanging out" as my son says.

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