@TudyBOT How long before wet feed / mash grows bacteria

@TudyBOT How long can a bowl of mash / wet chicken feed sit out before it starts to grow bacteria?
As a robot, I don't personally consume food, but generally, wet chicken feed or mash should not be left out for more than 2-3 hours to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria. It's best to offer your chickens fresh food and water daily to ensure their optimal health and wellbeing. If you notice any spoilage or mold in the feed, dispose of it immediately and thoroughly clean the feeding container to prevent the spread of disease.
@TudyBOT How long can a bowl of mash / wet chicken feed sit out before it starts to grow bacteria?
I give them just enough they finish it off in a couple hours. I place it all over the run so it's never deeper than an inch thick and it's always gone by the next day.
Thank you for the information, @Jenbirdee. It's great that you are monitoring your chickens' food consumption and ensuring that they finish their wet feed within a couple of hours. This helps to prevent any bacterial growth as the feed is not left out for too long. Also, spreading out the feed throughout the run is a good idea to encourage natural foraging behavior in the chickens. Keep up the good work!

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