Treating Mites in a Quail


9 Years
Dec 12, 2014
Pacific Northwest
Hello! It's been a long time, but I need some poultry advice! I'm taking a quail home today who seems to be fairly happy and healthy, however she absolutely has mites.

The mites are believed to be northern fowl mites, they're nestled up in the feather bases in the area under her vent. Our vet is going to give me some permethrin dust before I take her home today as treatment.

It's been a LONG time since I've had quail, but longer since I've had mites!! She'll be in an area inaccessible to my chickens and pigeons, so I'm not worried about it spreading, but I'm worried about how much how often and if there's anything else I can do to help?

Should I trim the feathers under the vent? Should I wash the area? I assume I should clean the enclosure she's in daily and treat it with diatomaceous earth and or the permethrin dust?
It's nice you have a vet to give you the Permethrin dust, since it's coming from them, I'd ask how much to use(?)

I usually just purchase Permethrin Poultry Dust from a store like TSC. Put the dust in a sock, then use it like a powder puff to dust the bird. Work the dust through the feathers all the way down to the skin. Repeat in 5-7 days. I store the sock in an air tight container like a mason jar with lid or similar.

How are you going to house her? Are you providing bedding? If so, sprinkle a bit of the dust into the bedding, but clean it out when you re-treat her and provide fresh.

I like to use Permethrin based poultry spray to treat housing/surfaces, wood, etc. Do move the bird(s) out so you can spray and let it dry a bit before putting them back.

Do you have photos of your Quail? Is she a Cotournix or ???

Mite/lice i.d./photos - this may help you figure out what she has.

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