Texas Torpedos****Very HOT****


12 Years
Apr 22, 2007
Merit, Tx
You'll need:
12 whole, fresh jalapenos
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
1/4 cup italian dressing
8oz cream cheese
12 slices of bacon

Okay to get started marinate the chicken breasts in italian dressing for about an hour. In the meantime slice open the jalapenos and take the seeds out. Keep as whole as possible. Grill the chicken. When done finely chop it. I put mine through the food processor and make it look all ground up. Mix the chicken with the cream cheese. Fill the jalapenos with the chicken and cheese mixture and wrap each stuffed jalapeno with a slice of bacon. I use a tooth pick to secure the bacon. Then grill it til the bacon is well cooked. You'll have to turn it a couple of times. This is so good but very hot!
We call somethign similar - POPPERS around here....
No chicken in em, or bacon, they fill em with cream cheese - put a batter on em and deep fried....

I LOVE THEM!!! (and I must add, to everyone's amusement, I don't eat SPICY food!!)

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