swap: Amazing Perennials and/or 1 Pond liner for chicken supplies or coop help


Mar 31, 2020
Delaware County (near Philly), PA
I am an avid gardener but completely new to chickens. I need all kinds of things to get started with my new hens. This trade is for in-person exchanges (keeping our social distance as necessary) in SE PA.

starter feed
crushed shells
a waterer (horizontal nipples + 5 gallon gamma lid bucket)
hardware cloth
chick treats
**Wildcard: Assistance with mods for my pre-fab coop (I already know I need to add a vent, for example, and work on predator proofing
2 step carabiners
solar motion light
Other things I probably don't even know about yet.

200-400 perennials, many native plants, too many to list, but also some rare specialty plants. Examples: mayapples, blood root, solomon seal, toad lilies, ornamental ginger (asarum), different kinds of ferns (Japanese, Sensitive, ostrich, red lady), native honeysuckle, gorgeous flowering vine (not the foreign aggressive kind), lungwort (blooming now), joe pye weed, monardia, toad lilies, reblooming daylilies, pitcher plants, jack in the pulpits (other aroids as well, but these would be high value trades),arum italcum, anemones, epimedium (many different ones), hellebores (many speciality ones, but they freely mate in my garden), sedums of various sorts, many more. Seeds or with some luck seedlings for species peonies, and tree peonies.

Many shrubs either already rooted or I can root.
Examples : edgeworthia (fragrant, winter blooming, already rooted), 10 types of hydrangeas, many rare (some rooted already), miniature (or regular) lilacs, named flowering quinces (some bearing fruit), black elderberry trees, several kinds of named clethra, azaleas (rooted), carolina allspice (and other calycanthus)
Note: for shrubs it can take up to a month to root.

Terms: plants will be given barerooted, Woody shrubs -- you bring your own soil and bucket, I will transplant for you.

I also have an amoeba shaped pond liner, nice quality, which I used for a bog. I am dismantling my bog to make room for the coop.

Any interest? If there is some plant you really want -- ask, I may have it.

Pictures are: Hydrangea Abracadabra star, Oakleaf hydreangea 'snow queen', blood root. You would get small rooted cuttings -- not giant shrubs. But nevertheless, my friends have been very successful with my plants. I have traded all over the country, but am not shipping plants currently.


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Hi -- I am still up for trading but the pond liner is taken (trading it for 1-day old chicks + some feed). However, I can't ship plants -- it would require both expenses for me, as well as a trip to the post office, and I am not setting foot in there (very crowded). I have done several recent trades for plants outside, from a distance, wearing gloves, so that should be fine.

I just started a new instagram -- felsgarden -- to show off some of my plants. Only a few listed there so far, but I will continue to add.

I also bought some of the things I needed. Things I am still seeking:
Shavings (I ordered from Amazon, but it arrives 10 days AFTER my chicks). I need these by. next Tues. so will probably have to go to a store.
High quality buckets or metal containers for feed, with sealing lids, as well as a nice bucket to act as a waterer.
2-step carbiners.
PVC piping and caps (I bought nipples: want to make a cool water system at some point)
zinc hardware: hinges, washers +screws, zinc bonds (to attach 2 pieces of wood)
hardware fabric
crushed shells
man-door for coop (I can make one, but if someone has one all the better)
Automatic solar door.
Labor: Help for coop (for that you would need to be willing to do some labor outside my house.)
If you message me directly, I can give you my phone number and we can discuss what you want. For trees I probably need to root them, but it depends on what you consider a tree. I have a lot of flowering woody shrubs that get quite large.

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