Specific black liquid poo in chicken who has had surgery and antibiotics? Also crop isn’t emptying fully overnight


Dec 3, 2020
Hello, just a quick one to see if anyone has any experience of this? My chicken had a general anaesthetic and pain relief etc for bumblefoot in both feet, she survived the surgery and is doing well but firstly, she is doing black liquid (sometimes explosive) poops and secondly her crop doesn’t seem to be fully emptying overnight. A teaspoon seems left in their in the morning. It’s neither that squishy nor rock hard. Is this because of the (huge!), antibiotics she had to have for a week? (Course has now finished). Also, is it normal that her crop isn’t emptying, maybe because she’s not being very active currently? Any advice or experience greatly received, thank you 😍
Ps I won’t attach a photo of her poop. I’m sure you can just imagine…🤪
Hello, just a quick one to see if anyone has any experience of this? My chicken had a general anaesthetic and pain relief etc for bumblefoot in both feet, she survived the surgery and is doing well but firstly, she is doing black liquid (sometimes explosive) poops and secondly her crop doesn’t seem to be fully emptying overnight. A teaspoon seems left in their in the morning. It’s neither that squishy nor rock hard. Is this because of the (huge!), antibiotics she had to have for a week? (Course has now finished). Also, is it normal that her crop isn’t emptying, maybe because she’s not being very active currently? Any advice or experience greatly received, thank you 😍
Ps I won’t attach a photo of her poop. I’m sure you can just imagine…🤪
Antibiotics tend to do this. They kill all bacteria good and bad. This upsets the digestive system.
Probiotics should help bring the digestive system back to normal although in my experience it can take some time.
Live yogurt is one option if she'll eat it.
Antibiotics tend to do this. They kill all bacteria good and bad. This upsets the digestive system.
Probiotics should help bring the digestive system back to normal although in my experience it can take some time.
Live yogurt is one option if she'll eat it.
Ok, great! This is what I suspected and was hoping to hear. She is LOVING live yoghurt so I’ll continue giving her small regular amounts of this. Thank you so much! ☺️ what about the crop issue? Any thoughts on that?
The few chickens I've dealt with that had undergone a course of antibiotics all developed crop problems. If you can let them out to forage on varied vegitation it can help.
As long as the crop is at least partially emptying and droppings of whatever consistancy are coming out the other end I wouldn't worry too much.
You can try flushing and massaging the crop if you can get enough water down her; no more than 40ml per flush. Try to do this without tubing if you can. I made this to get water into them. It's messy, time consuming but it does mean the chicken drinks naturally even if one is forcing them to drink.
The few chickens I've dealt with that had undergone a course of antibiotics all developed crop problems. If you can let them out to forage on varied vegitation it can help.
As long as the crop is at least partially emptying and droppings of whatever consistancy are coming out the other end I wouldn't worry too much.
You can try flushing and massaging the crop if you can get enough water down her; no more than 40ml per flush. Try to do this without tubing if you can. I made this to get water into them. It's messy, time consuming but it does mean the chicken drinks naturally even if one is forcing them to drink.
View attachment 3810174
That’s really useful info, thank you 🙏🏼

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