Slightly dumb turkey questian.


Near the clouds⛅
Jan 20, 2024
The Woods AK
Hi guys! So super quick questian for you all. My turkey jake's snood appears to be getting a bit dry (it is super dry where I live). You know when your hands are just a tad bit dry and they look kinda course and white and flaky? That's about what he has. It probably wont even show up in a pic. Am I being silly or should I consider putting bag balm or coconut oil on him? Thanks.
@R2elk since you are the turkey expert😁
Hi guys! So super quick questian for you all. My turkey jake's snood appears to be getting a bit dry (it is super dry where I live). You know when your hands are just a tad bit dry and they look kinda course and white and flaky? That's about what he has. It probably wont even show up in a pic. Am I being silly or should I consider putting bag balm or coconut oil on him? Thanks.
@R2elk since you are the turkey expert😁
If it is really bothering you, you can put Bag Balm on it. I live in a dry climate and have not noticed a similar condition with toms.
If it is really bothering you, you can put Bag Balm on it. I live in a dry climate and have not noticed a similar condition with toms.
Oh ok cool! Thanks a lot! I was just thinking about it because I hate it when I get dry hands and I have to apply lotion multiple times a day😅. I am probably over reacting🤪 thanks again!

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