Show me your button/quail set up


12 Years
Feb 21, 2007
Grenada, MS
If you have button or other quail in cages/aviaries, please post pics. I have buttons and would like to improve on what I have set up for them. They are 7 weeks and should be laying soon. I have too many boys also, can I put them in a cage by themselves? Thanks.

I have them in cages that are roughly 30" wide, 10" deep, and 12" high. 12 Buttons in one cage, 6-7 coturnix babies in the others, though once they're big enough I'm going to built a 4x4' pen/aviary for each of the breeds. The buttons bonk their heads on the cages - they need to be higher. The coturnix seem to be quite happy in pairs or trios (1m:2f) in that size cage. 1/2" hardware cloth for the coturnix cage bottoms, 1/4" or 3/8" hardware cloth for the Buttons.
I don't have photos yet, but I'll try to get some. I made them myself, and made a base for the bottom that allows an aluminum tray to slide in and out easily for droppings. I'm going to stack them in my new brooder/quail room.
As soon as the drywall mud dries and I can paint.

I want a separate area that's plexiglass for sand, where they can go in and out. Sand gets kicked out everywhere!!
Wire is the best for keeping the eggs clean, and their feet, but I have a separate aquarium with sand for weekly dust-baths...
I'd like a "habitrail" type set up where they have one pen for living, and a tunnel to go to the enclosed sand-pit. I'm sure the sand etc is better on their feet, but I've heard that if the sand gets wet then the eggs that lay in it soak up the moisture and go bad.

We get too cold up here to keep them outside year round, so I have to have pens indoors.
AKA how do you get them from their pen to the tank? Mine wont let me hold them. I have tried since they were little. But they are very flighty and I am scared they will get lost behind something or get hurt. I just put a pan of sand in there with them. They get it everywhere. I have a wire cage, but on the bottom I put some peel and stick linoleum type tiles to cover the bottom and a little up the sides. Not enough up the sides. So on one side I tried using boxes and covering up the bottom and up the sides and that is better. It goes up the sides further and works better to contain the litter and sand but I worry about air circulation. I would love to see pictures of you guys set ups. Thanks.

My coturnix love to be handled, so no problems there. The buttons are really flighty, so I just work quickly and firmly and yes, occasionally one squips out of my hands. That's why I'd like to have linked pens, so it's enclosed.
I'd like to see other people's pens, too.
Thanks. Those are some great ideas for outside. I still would like to find some ideas for inside too. Not sure if they will stay inside or go out. But thank so much.


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