Shes Alive and the bleeding stopped! A mistake I'll never do again!

My Very First 6 Chickens

*~* Livin', Lovin', Learnin' *~*
May 5, 2021
Please dont judge but when my hen Patient came in from free ranging, she was bleeding because she was missing a toe nail. The entire nail was gone and she was dripping blood. I immediately scooped her up & brought her into the house where I gathered my first aid and planned to wash/disinfect the toe.
Before I really got into it, i made a mistake. The little bit of cooked meat was a good idea but NOT the half an 81mg baby aspirin I crushed and rolled the meat in!! 3 hours later, one cup of corn starch, and applied pressure and the bleeding had not stopped 100%. Because roost time was quickly approaching and I needed to do some family/home stuff, I coated the toe with corn starch as best I can, made her a clean safe set up in the henhouse for the night, locked up the coop and called it a night. I worried all night and before the sun came up I went to gather her. My stomach was all twisted anxious to see how she did through the night.

The bleeding clearly stopped I noticed immediately. Now lets see her in the kitchen light! Heres what she did when I put her down: took a nice healthy poop, ate all the bits of scrambled egg, meal worms and sunflowers, drank some water and has just been standing around chatting quietly with me and just staring at me. Daylight is now here and just in time for the rain. I think I will set up her playpen and let her stay inside for the day. I dont want to take any chances for infection; especially with the wetness and cold. Shes molting as well so all this attention and care is all ok in my opinion.
I wanted to share this story because it was one of those serious learning scenarios. Jennifer, do NOT EVER give an aspirin to a chicken while shes actively bleeding. Now I just have to peel myself off the kitchen floor where I've been roosting since we came inside. New situations with chickens hits the learning curve hard. Thank you BYC for always being there for me. My flock thrives because of all the advice 🐓❤️

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