Seizures of some kind?


6 Years
Jun 23, 2017
Minneapolis, MN
3 year old barbu d'anvers hen, not currently laying.
This hen has gone through this before. It comes and goes. It was an issue for he yesterday and I removed her from the flock, because they were disturbed by her behavior and brutalizing her.

These videos are footage of what I would call mild spells. You can tell when they are oncoming because the bird makes a series of panicked sounds before bursting into circles. Within about a minute of circling, she suddenly sees demons and breaks out into full panic, somersaults and flapping wings and scrambling in every direction. While having these episodes she gnashes her mouth. When they are over, she sits in total silence and stillness until the next episode arrests her. They decrease in severity as each episode comes and goes. She had these seizure/schizophrenic/demon possessed moments about every 15 minutes from noon until sundown and when the lights got dark by 6pm she was simply perched sleeping.

Any ideas? I don't know what I should do. I've been mostly ignoring this because by and large, it doesn't happen very often. When it does happen it is very noticeable by the noise happening in the coop. All the birds take turns kicking, biting, tearing feathers from her neck and head, riding her back to rip feathers from her head, like a tetherball and screaming the whole time whilst in the middle of suffering one of these seizures. Then, I must do something, and I keep her in solitary until it is over.

Animals do have neurological issues and wry neck, which can include walking backward or in circles, as well as torticolis (wry or crook neck.) You could try human vitamin E 400 IU with a bit of scrambled egg for selenium, plus 1/4 tablet of human B Complex daily for a couple of weeks to see if that has any effect. Those are the ones we usually recommend for wry neck or other neurologic symptoms.
I will get her on vitamins right away...
Edit- I wanted to mention, today she is perfectly normal, nothing amiss, you'd never guess there was something wrong with her yesterday
Hi there. We have a very reputable vet who has been treating chickens for decades and has treated many different animals at zoos during his career. He told us that “wry neck” is a bacterial infection in the ear called torticollis, and it should be treated with antibiotics. (He tested her blood to discern if she had a bacterial infection or virus). He also said that vitamin E and selenium deficiencies are very rare. Our bird is taking azithromycin for 7 days. We have her inside because it has been 0-10 degrees this week. He said it is 60% effective and we can never eat her eggs again, which is fine because she often eats them first.

I also suggest that your hen be separated from the rest of the flock during treatment because they attack her when she seizes. If you aren’t able to treat her, I wonder if euthanasia might be the most humane solution. It sounds like she is having a terrible time. I hope this helps.

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