Salpingitis antibiotic questions

I don't know about the combination of drugs you mentioned but I thought I'd share what I did to treat my hen who was laying quite large lash eggs. Since treatment she hasn't laid anymore lash eggs, her energy has returned, she's eating well and she doesn't have anymore diarrhea. I think Oregano oil probably contributed to her recovery as well as Manuka honey along with the Baytril. Oregano oil has anti bacterial and anti viral properties. Good luck!!
I am having lash eggs and shell less eggs in my 1-year-old Blue Andalusian hen. Came here looking for Baytril dosage and I'm so glad I found it, but I also have oregano oil and honey on hand and I love trying as many natural methods as I can! Been having so much health trouble with my flock the last few weeks and I'm hoping I don't have more casualties, but I'm definitely getting lash eggs now. Would you mind sharing how you use the oregano oil and honey? Thanks for any information! :)

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