Safe Dewormers For Pigeons


Crazy Chicken Mom
6 Years
Aug 31, 2017
New Delhi India
Hello! So I have been raising 2 pigeons both are rescued one Is year old and another I found around 6th of jan 2023 he’s young and not having one foot
Searching a safe dewormer for him as his poop looks white sometimes he’s very talkative and chatty no signs of worms but I am worried if he have any because he’s from wild and I rescued him with tons of lice which I treat with Butox 1% vet solution. Now he’s free from lice but I’m worried for worms

His diet is grains mostly millet
Gave him probiotics once a week
Want to know about supplements of vitamin as well I’m new in pigeons

Any signs or symptoms I need to look for worms!?

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