Runner ducks asking to be pet?


In the Brooder
Sep 8, 2023
So I am new to duck ownership, about 3 months in. In our flock of 6 ducks, 2 are Blue Runners. When I go outside by the ducks the Blue Runners will come up to me quacking like crazy then lay down on their bellies and stretch out and let me pet them. It seems like odd behavior. The other ducks (khaki campbell and cayuga) don't do this, just the runners. Is this normal? or do I just have really weird ducks?
Sounds like hormones are starting to kick in. Females will do this with their drake to let him know they are wanting to mate. Do you have any drakes? If not they are looking at you as a potential mate lol. 3 months is pretty young for this kind of behavior
Sounds like hormones are starting to kick in. Females will do this with their drake to let him know they are wanting to mate. Do you have any drakes? If not they are looking at you as a potential mate lol. 3 months is pretty young for this kind of behavior
We have one drake, he's a Khaki Campbell. He usually tries to mate with the other Khaki's. Maybe the blue runners are feeling left out.:D
They may be. My Runner drake does mate with the Buffs but I can tell his favs are his Runner girls. Eventually he should mate with the Runners. or they will mate with each other. Girls do this kind of stuff lol
:D:weeWhen my ducks were just about 1 1/2 months they were cocking there heads and moving their necks in a circular motion and followed the drakes lol. Every spring they lay on their bellies run about, stop, and then Drasticly start again, but they get over it with-in a couple of weeks. Although my one duck- Quillly a blk Indie duck, she's always seeming a little jealous of the other girlies at this time, and wants attention from anyone else she may get it from. So I think it's just a hormone thing! they all calm down and resume swimming with one another in their fenced in forest pool, it all sorts itself out in the end :D. good luck and have fun!!!! Quack Quack -S. Raven


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Hey! I noticed one of my runner ducks does a neck-stretching behavior in the little pool - at first it scared me thinking something was wrong, then I thought maybe it was a grooming behavior (to get the back of her neck nibbled and preened), then a game, but perhaps it's hormones? Here's a still shot from a short video where you can kind of see it - she's fine and leaps right back into swimming and running around. Thoughts?


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Asking to be mated and it doesn't matter if it's a drake or duck she doesn't care. lol
How old are they?

What pretty Runners ♥️
Good to know!! They are just shy of three months old. The sweetest girls - so messy and so much fun!

I guess I should have assumed it was something like this based on our chickens' behavior with the submissive squat! The pool part of the equation threw me off!
Was watching one of my Runners the other day tearing around the pool, flapping her wings, water flying all over, just to get the male's attention. When he heard the ruckus from across the yard he abandoned the girls he was with and came a-running. Some of the other ducks standing outside the pool hoped to distract him, but this swimming duck stretched out seductively and that was it for him! Have to agree with Miss Lydia, they are a hoot.

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