Rose comb rooster x single comb hens?


Sep 21, 2022
I’m trying to grasp the genetics of comb shape after doing a test hatch from my own flock-

I have a SLW cockerel (safe to assume homozygous Rose comb?) and a Bresse cockerel (single comb), all eggs tested are from pullets with single combs.

Two yellow chicks just hatched, both with single combs. Can I assume the Bresse is the father of these two particular chicks?
There is a very high probability that the Breese is the dad. Some rose combed Wyandottes do carry the recessive single comb gene so there’s a chance the Wyandotte is the dad. But I imagine it’s the Breese.
Thanks, I hope that’s the case. I’m hatching these babies out for meat, and the pure Bresse grow and fill out much faster than the Wyandottes, but I don’t mind if they’re mixed.

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