Rooster, eye swollen


In the Brooder
Nov 16, 2022
I've realised since yesterday my Australop roosters eye has been swollen (almost shut). Just one eye. I noticed today it had some pus coming out. I dont know if hes sick. Hes not showing any other signs, or if maybe my other rooster injured him? They do fight sometimes but nothing dramatic. I was able to get a few photos.. not very clear though. What do you all think? Whats the best course of action?


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What is your location? Do you have mosquitoes out now? I ask because the beige spots on his comb, ears, and wattles may be fowl pox virus. The spots will become scabs—if it is fowl pox. Sometimes the eyes will be affected as well. But he could be showing signs of a respiratory disease, MG. Hard to know for sure. I would rinse his eye with saline or eye wash. If it is crusty or there is pus, a warm wet compress held there will soften it. Then apply Terramycin eye ointment, or triple antibiotic, if you cannot find it, twice a day after cleaning.
Im in Australia. We do have mosquitos around our place at the moment. Ill pick up some antibiotics. Would regular chicken antibiotics be fine.. that he can drink, or does it have to be something i apply to his eye?
I have noticed a drop in egg production in the last week for my girls.. i did a worming treatment cycle on them because i thought it was worms.
If i see spots of my girls combs, do you think thats enough of an indicator to see that its fowl pox?
Roosters kick toward the eyes sometimes. I wouldn't discard a fight

They often heal by themselves, but washing the area carefully and maybe some aloe vera can help
Im in Australia. We do have mosquitos around our place at the moment. Ill pick up some antibiotics. Would regular chicken antibiotics be fine.. that he can drink, or does it have to be something i apply to his eye?
I have noticed a drop in egg production in the last week for my girls.. i did a worming treatment cycle on them because i thought it was worms.
If i see spots of my girls combs, do you think thats enough of an indicator to see that its fowl pox?
Antibiotics won’t help for the fowl pox, since it is a virus carried by mosquitoes. But, if he gets a secondary bacterial infection, Tylosin or Oxytetracycline might help. But I would definitely clean his eye and apply the ointment.
Antibiotics won’t help for the fowl pox, since it is a virus carried by mosquitoes. But, if he gets a secondary bacterial infection, Tylosin or Oxytetracycline might help. But I would definitely clean his eye and apply the ointment.
Okay great thank you so much ! So helpful

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