Rooster behavioral change?


May 10, 2023
Austin, Texas
1 Rooster (11 Months) (Has Mated Before)
1 Hen (11 Months) (Has Laid Before)
3 Pullets (4-6 Months) (Haven't Laid)

I'm fairly new to raising chickens and I noticed some strange behavior from our rooster, recently its been real cold since were goin into Winter (Irving, TX), it rained the other day and I bet they were all pissed about it. It stopped raining in the morning and I went outside to check on them, the rooster seemed mad with his noises, he was kind of loud and chaotic, I stayed around for a while and the all the rooster was trying to do was mate, he didn't care when I tried to feed a treat, he just wanted to mate with the hens/pullets. I wouldn't say he failed but the hens sort of ignored him when he was obviously trying to mate the whole time with anyone. He was actually staring at me with a silent purr or clicking sound at one point, and for some reason he was just acting all big and tall staring at me or the sky. Not sure what's up with him, is it me? the weather? the hens?

One thing I will say, the hen (has laid before) hasn't laid an egg in months, she hasn't mated either, the flock has sort of been silent, no mating nor laying.

In the past, before our hen laid an egg, the rooster found a nice safe spot for her and stayed there basically telling her, right now hes in a general safe spot and he is in a corner looking at the hen and making noises not moving. Could this be?
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