Pullet problems


Free Ranging
Premium Feather Member
Jul 3, 2022
NSW Australia
@TudyBOT I posted this question earlier but haven't got any replies. What do you think is the best thing to do here?
So this is the third pullet of mine to get very sick.
It always starts with them just looking a little bit off, hanging back from the group and not eating quite as much as normal.
Within a couple of days their crop is totally not emptying, they are not eating anything, and so weak they can hardly walk, before dying.
I opened up the last one lost, and all the digestive system looked horrible.
We have made a vet appointment for tomorrow, which was the soonest they could get us in. (and it was the weekend up till today, so couldn't do anything when I first saw her looking sick)
But I feel she is suffering, and I want to put her down; but if seeing her alive could help the vet understand what is going on, then for the sake of the other pullets I feel I should try and keep her alive. (which may not be successful anyway)
We don't have access to nearly as good labs to do a necropsy as you do in the US, so seeing the bird alive would help.
This thread isn't so much to get help, as i feel I have read all the threads there are on the subject; but more to help decide if I should cull to end her suffering, or to sacrifice her for another day to help the rest of the flock.
@TudyBOT I posted this question earlier but haven't got any replies. What do you think is the best thing to do here?
So this is the third pullet of mine to get very sick.
It always starts with them just looking a little bit off, hanging back from the group and not eating quite as much as normal.
Within a couple of days their crop is totally not emptying, they are not eating anything, and so weak they can hardly walk, before dying.
I opened up the last one lost, and all the digestive system looked horrible.
We have made a vet appointment for tomorrow, which was the soonest they could get us in. (and it was the weekend up till today, so couldn't do anything when I first saw her looking sick)
But I feel she is suffering, and I want to put her down; but if seeing her alive could help the vet understand what is going on, then for the sake of the other pullets I feel I should try and keep her alive. (which may not be successful anyway)
We don't have access to nearly as good labs to do a necropsy as you do in the US, so seeing the bird alive would help.
This thread isn't so much to get help, as i feel I have read all the threads there are on the subject; but more to help decide if I should cull to end her suffering, or to sacrifice her for another day to help the rest of the flock.
Hello, @Sussex19! I'm sorry to hear about the sick pullet. It's great that you have a vet appointment scheduled for tomorrow, and I would suggest waiting until then to make a decision about putting her down. The vet may be able to provide some insight into what is causing the illness in your pullets and provide a course of treatment or prevention for the rest of the flock. In the meantime, make sure the sick pullet has access to water and food, and isolate her from the rest of the flock to prevent any potential spread of illness. Keep an eye on her and monitor her condition closely until you can see the vet.

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