Poop with thick, rubbery urate? Shell-less egg? Lash egg?


Furiously Foraging
Premium Feather Member
Mar 31, 2023
New Hampshire
Unfortunately I don't have a photo. I do have two videos I attached.

Mushroom had trouble passing her first egg on Tuesday. I gave her 600mg of calcium carbonate (meant to be citrate, oops) that evening. The next two eggs came out fine.

This morning she spent 90 minutes in the nest box, then came out looking off. I noticed an interesting looking "poop" on the camera that I can almost certainly attribute to her. The chickens proceeded to start eating it! By the time we got to them, the "white" of the poop was gone. Everything we were able to recover just looked like regular brown chicken poop.

Mushroom is back to her old self. No egg, just this weird "poop" they ate. We also found some interesting poops from her overnight. The urate portion was a cream color, very thick, and rubbery/stretchy.

Any idea what the heck just happened? You would think a shell-less egg would be watery, not this rubbery white thing. Lash egg? Would they be dumb enough to eat that? Would a lash egg appear along with feces?

Thanks so much for any help. Freaking out over here.

Same thing happened today. This time I was out there and able to examine up close. I now understand it's a shell-less egg, but it does look like cooked egg whites. I'll give another dose of calcium citrate this afternoon. It feels so horrible to watch her struggle. We had a nice cuddle session after she passed it, and I could tell she was just feeling under the weather.
When I went out this afternoon to give the calcium citrate, I watched her pass a pile of pure liquid with more egg bits in it. Is there anything more I can do?

She is eating and drinking, though not a lot. We've had some scary wind and rain most of the day, which has put the chickens off eating.

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