Polish chicken behavior


Jun 2, 2023
North Florida/Panhandle
My polish pullet is 12 weeks. She’s the only polish in the flock but doesn’t seem to be singled out because of her hairdo. I know the breed is well known for some goofy behavior, and I definitely see personality differences, however the past 3 days she’s been acting super bizarre. She spends almost all of her time in a specific part of the run, usually on top of the water bucket, away from the other 3 younger pullets. She eats and drinks fine and seems totally healthy, and the other pullets don’t pick on her or anything. Right now it’s raining and she’s wondering around alone in the uncovered portion of the run getting all wet.

Is it common for them to be weirdos like this or should I be concerned for her health?
Our Polish have always been standoffish to the rest of the flock. ( 2 roosters, 1 hen)
The Roos will tag other hens , but have rarely seen the hen get chased by other rapists.
Usually the hen is away from the rest of the flock, chasing satellites, by that I mean wandering around with no particular direction, until it’s feeding time, then she’ll get right up in the mix. Though most times she doesn’t see the feedtossed in her direction until it hits the ground and the swarm heads at her. Then she panics and runs before realizing its food and comes back to eat.

She’s a goofball, but an adorable one

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