Plants and Design for Tall Garden Connected to my Duck Run. (Any tips?)

I had to leave - my siblings and I zoom chat every Sunday evening. Back with a link that might help about food, fruit and herb plants for part sun, with a definition of what that means:
I bet you find some things you like in this list, and a lot of detailed help to think about how the tiny differences in locale will help or hurt what you plant!
Oh, ChickForLife, The same website that had those helpful comments about growing plants in part sun had an interesting post about deer proofing a garden. I sent a link to my sister in Texas, who says she can't plant anything because the deer eat it all. They put in posts a couple feet in front of all the plants and string fishing line about 3 feet above the ground. The deer won't see it, and people don't really see it either. But the deer run into it on their way to munch down the plants, panic and run off. I haven't had trouble with deer in my yard, so I haven't tested it. That website is based in S. Carolina, I think.
Oh, ChickForLife, The same website that had those helpful comments about growing plants in part sun had an interesting post about deer proofing a garden. I sent a link to my sister in Texas, who says she can't plant anything because the deer eat it all. They put in posts a couple feet in front of all the plants and string fishing line about 3 feet above the ground. The deer won't see it, and people don't really see it either. But the deer run into it on their way to munch down the plants, panic and run off. I haven't had trouble with deer in my yard, so I haven't tested it. That website is based in S. Carolina, I think.
Okay, thank you for all this info!!!
You say there isn't full sun. Why not? Do you have trees shading it or buildings?

I garden a lot and to grow almost any fruit and vegetable, and the majority of flowers, you need at least 6 hours of full sun a day. Most prefer 8-10 hours of sun a day. If you don't have this, they can't get enough energy to actually produce fruit/veggies. This is why, in general, I'm not a tree lover. You can't grow anything under them, due to roots, and they shade your ability to grow many flowers. There are nice shade gardens, but all the plants I really like need full sun.

If it's trees on your property blocking the sun, you may be able to thin branches enough to allow light in for the season, or cut them down. If it's a building to your south, stop and totally re-think the garden idea.

For deer: They hate fencing that is three dimensional. most people go very tall but we have a ton of dear and a layer of electric wire strung every 12-18" up to 6 ft, then putting a second fence 3 ft outside that of maybe 2 wires, but BAITED with bait in metal cups at 2 and 4 ft high. works very well. The the two layers and bait encourages them to investigate with their nose first and the shock teaches them to go away. Here's a company that really is nice to deal with, We use their deer netting fence because there's plenty of food outside my garden for them to eat. But if I have a problem, I'll add a second layer of electric.
As a gardener, it's much more helpful to get photos of the area at mid day, when leaves are out, so we know what plants may grow.

Also, maybe I missed it but what zone are you? I see Canada, that means your season is very limited, and I'm guessing so are many of your choices for fruits. Somebody suggested leafy lettuces and these may be your best choice, unless photos show more sun than you think.
You say there isn't full sun. Why not? Do you have trees shading it or buildings?

I garden a lot and to grow almost any fruit and vegetable, and the majority of flowers, you need at least 6 hours of full sun a day. Most prefer 8-10 hours of sun a day. If you don't have this, they can't get enough energy to actually produce fruit/veggies. This is why, in general, I'm not a tree lover. You can't grow anything under them, due to roots, and they shade your ability to grow many flowers. There are nice shade gardens, but all the plants I really like need full sun.

If it's trees on your property blocking the sun, you may be able to thin branches enough to allow light in for the season, or cut them down. If it's a building to your south, stop and totally re-think the garden idea.

For deer: They hate fencing that is three dimensional. most people go very tall but we have a ton of dear and a layer of electric wire strung every 12-18" up to 6 ft, then putting a second fence 3 ft outside that of maybe 2 wires, but BAITED with bait in metal cups at 2 and 4 ft high. works very well. The the two layers and bait encourages them to investigate with their nose first and the shock teaches them to go away. Here's a company that really is nice to deal with, We use their deer netting fence because there's plenty of food outside my garden for them to eat. But if I have a problem, I'll add a second layer of electric.
Not full sun because it is in the middle of the woods.

Thank you!
Not full sun because it is in the middle of the woods.

Thank you!
You are going to be very limited in any fruits or veggies you can grow. Some may grow if they get a few hours sun and you baby them with fertilizer, but they are never going to look like ones grown in full sun. They'll be totally fine for ducks to munch on though. If they were in containers, you might be able to move them once or twice during the day to help them get more sun? Or another option is to sprout grains in a flat. That doesn't require sun, but ducks love them and will eat them. They are supposed to be very healthy for them.

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