Pasty butt? help how do i treat this


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jun 26, 2007
how should i treat this i have been going out and gently wiping its bottom with a warm wet paper towel and trying to pick it off much to his dismay baby has dried poo around his bum i beleive from what i learned here this is called pasty butt i think he cannot poo because it is blocked what can i do to prevent it and what should i do to clean it off him i dont want to harm the baby and he chirps his little head off when im wiping it i know he needs to poo because when i clean it off it seems to be wet underneath help i dont want him to get sick he is the runt of the litter please help
All I know is to clean her off as often as you possibly can. It is usually a sign of stress during shipping and should stop in a day or two.
ok thanks i have been cleaning it off im just concerned there might be some stuck inside the chick was not shipped he hatched under his mom a almost a week ago has anyone tried mineral oil? if so how much? if i put molasis in his water will it be safe for the other 5 babies???? and i dont want to isolate him from his sisters and brothers they are all fine and he is the smallest one
When Jerry was a chick, he had pasty butt. He outgrew it...some of the birds with very fluffy bums seem to get it more often...usually it isn't serious. Mineral oil dabbed on the bum feathers seem to help the ploop slip right off.
Run his bum under warm water for awhile to loosen it up, then gently pick it off. I put some baby oil on the poo track and never had to worry about it again.
Good Luck

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