Now THAT was a great CHICKEN RUN for Napalongtails, Chasehope, Peaches


14 Years
Jan 11, 2007
Stanwood, Wa.
,... so, over the past year or so, I've been looking for a suitable girlfriend for Dumbledore, my magnificent cochin. Napalongtails had a couple of pullets to sell me - but she is in Spokane - about 6 hours south of me. I was thinking about a long drive. But then she had a non chicken friend from Seattle who was out that way. And...

at approximately the same time frame recently, Chasehope wanted to buy my two Naragansette turkey poults. AND... turns out she was getting some silkies from Napa....

So... last week - those critters traveled with the friend and Chasehope (who lives in Tacoma, about 2.5 hours South of me), met up and took them all home. she kept them several days and yesterday, drove to my place. BUT WAIT - THERE'S MORE!!

Marge the muscovy hatched 9 babies out Friday night - Saturday morning, she lept off that nest and appread to not give a rip about the babies.. sigh.. two hours later, she still could not be convinced to rejoin the nest of chilly babies. I was going to take the crew to my feed store anyway - such cuties. Well... chasehope's hubby wanted some muscovies, so along w/ the poults, they took five of those.


I had ALSO posted that I'was offering my white muscovy Dibbles for free. I raised him as an orphan last August and he is just picked on in my barnyard. I felt he could never really find himself here (Yeah, I know, we SO anthropomorphize our chicikens). Anyway - Dibbles went home with them also.

so THAT is a good chicken run!!!
It certainly was crazy how everything just happened to fall into place. We couldn't have planned it any better. Napa, I will send your money as soon as I get my email fixed and can get your contact info! Or please call me and I can get it from you that way!!! SORRY!

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