Not sure about my new girls


In the Brooder
12 Years
May 6, 2007
We just got our first girls, a set of ten 7 week old chicks who came from a McMurray brown egg layer mix. Some of them we have good guesses on, a few RIR and two black Giants, but a few other I'm less certain on. There are two all white ones that I am assuming are white Orpintons, but the third white has greenish legs and has some gray to her head feathers and small traces of gray elsewhere. I don't know my breeds enough to know who has greeny legs.

Also, do all the various buff colored birds start out with some white or are my two buff/brown ones with small white patches somegoing to be more mottled in coloration.

In the end I am not sure it matters too much. They are unbearably cute and fun to be around!
Can you post a pic? It would be a better help. Hope someone can help you out!

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