Nighttime temps too cold?


Fowl play will 🐝 encouraged 🐥🐔
Premium Feather Member
May 16, 2021
UP Michigan
My Coop
My Coop
Hello. I have 28 cornish cross 3 weeks old in my garage. I want to move them out to pasture in a tractor. My question is will they tolerate nighttime temps around 50-55 degrees with only each other to stay warm? Day temps are 65 now and will steadily rise to 70s this week. In the garage they have access to a heat plate and I heat the ambient air to about 60 degress with a heat lamp only at night.
Mobile tractor is 10x6 hoop style with tarp over back 6 ft, vinyl sided fully back and 4 ft on the sides


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I would put them out during the day and bring them in at dusk. You will be able to see if there is a way for them to get out or something bad to get in. They will get their fresh greens and bugs.
From my experience, I put 3 week old meat birds out in the tractor this February with temps in the 40s. They were totally fine and had no stunted growth or health issues.

Nice tractor!
Hello. I have 28 cornish cross 3 weeks old in my garage. I want to move them out to pasture in a tractor. My question is will they tolerate nighttime temps around 50-55 degrees with only each other to stay warm? Day temps are 65 now and will steadily rise to 70s this week. In the garage they have access to a heat plate and I heat the ambient air to about 60 degress with a heat lamp only at night.
Mobile tractor is 10x6 hoop style with tarp over back 6 ft, vinyl sided fully back and 4 ft on the sides
Personally, I'd wait a few more weeks. The temp dips with any over night air moisture could be problematic.
I think that temp is totally fine, but your birds need to be weaned off that heat plate and heater before they go out. Start doing that now. Turn them off for a few hours today, then half the day tomorrow, then fully off the next day. Let them do a night or two of no heat but in the garage, then put them out. The shock of going from heated to not is what could be dangerous, not these temps. My meatbirds have gone out in 40-45 degree nighttime weather here in Ohio. I just provide a huddle box for them for the first week.
I think that temp is totally fine, but your birds need to be weaned off that heat plate and heater before they go out. Start doing that now. Turn them off for a few hours today, then half the day tomorrow, then fully off the next day. Let them do a night or two of no heat but in the garage, then put them out. The shock of going from heated to not is what could be dangerous, not these temps. My meatbirds have gone out in 40-45 degree nighttime weather here in Ohio. I just provide a huddle box for them for the first week.
Thank you. I have them off heat during the day. Starting tonight temps will be 55+ so I will take away the heat plate and give a huddle box. They are in my garage now.

We lost power at 3 AM. I checked on them and they looked good but huddled. Of course they saw me and their ambitions turned to food right away :rolleyes:
From my experience, I put 3 week old meat birds out in the tractor this February with temps in the 40s. They were totally fine and had no stunted growth or health issues.

Nice tractor!
Ok-that’s reassuring.

TY- The tractor should serve me well as a broiler unit and grow out unit once I add a temp roost.

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