Newbie introduction


12 Years
Apr 27, 2007
Hi all,
I didn't see an intro section, but I wanted to say hello before I just start posting.
I'm Grace- I live in New England with my husband and 1 year-old daughter, our dog (a pit bull), a barn cat, and 17 newly added hens.
My family had hens when I was younger, and now that I'm living more rurally I took the opportunity to get back into it.
So, I have 6 White Rocks, 6 Barred Rocks, 4 RIR (I think...), and 1 Partridge Rock (again, I think...
) and I was told to come here by a friend of mine who knew I was just starting to get back into all of it.

We've only had the hens about a week. They are a little over a year old, and we bought them from a farm up north of us. So far, so good. Not all of them are laying yet (about 4 of them are), but we knew they would need a week or two to settle in. The Barred Rocks seem to be doing the best (I think one is going broody), but they each are getting better/more comfortable/more pushy! every day.

Anyways, I've been looking around here, and it looks like a lot of informative people! I'm glad I was pointed here.
Hello! Welcome to BYC, Marli !!

You'll find a lot of info here on this forum, and the best part is how helpful and friendly everyone is. Best of luck with you chickens, and keep us posted on your progress!

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