New Hen ~ Hasn't layed an egg in 6 days


Feb 19, 2023
Plainview, Arkansas
I brought home 2 adult hens and 1 Rooster last Friday night, 3/3/23.
  • Black Australorp Hen
  • Red Sex Link Hen
  • Blue Plymouth Rock
The hens came from the same farmer, the Rooster was a new addition from a different farmer. Both hens are under 2 years and the rooster is under 1 year of age. He hasn't gotten his spurs yet, but he's mounted both few times and crows every morning when the sun peeps up.

The hen that is in question originally came from a farm with a flock of 150, she was then taken from that flock to a 2nd farmer who had a flock of just under 30. I bought the hen from the 2nd farmer and she's now with just the Australorp hen.

The Story:
We call this hen (the Red Sex Link) Rosie. She was doing good the first few days; although she was always walking up and down the chicken tractor (8' by 4') trying to figure a way out. She's very docile. She's the first to the door when I go feed them scratch, and the she's always eating out of my hand.

We really thought that she would be the first to drop us an egg because the Australorp was a bit more skidish and we figured she would be the most stressed with this move. But, Momma Austra dropped an egg Sunday afternoon. And, she's given us an egg daily since then; Rosie, on the other hand, hasn't dropped one single egg.

Yesterday morning, Rosie, at breakfast out of my hand. That afternoon, she was just laying in the dirt all day. Yesterday evening, she was hid away in the coop. We thought, GREAT, she's laying an egg. I got out this morning to check and give them some scratch, and Rosie is no where to be found. I really thought I was going to find a dead hen in the coop, but when I opened the coop door, she was just standing there. No talking as she usually does each morning and she could have cared less that I had scratch. She wouldn't even eat out of my hand.

I picked her up and felt of her back end (as I've seen in YouTube videos) and I don't feel anything at all back there, no egg, nothing hard, nothing. I checked her vent, it's not clogged.

I keep their water fresh. They have plenty of laying crumble and oyster shells in a separate bowl. The other two chickens are doing great. Rosie; however, I feel is sick or really stressed out and I just don't know how to help her.

Your thoughts and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
It’s only been 6 days. They are still stressed from the move. It can take a chicken weeks sometimes a month or so to fully adjust to a new environment.
I know, I just really figured she would be the one that would feel more at home faster with as docile and friendly as she is. She seemed so happy the past few days until last night. I do pray stress is the culprit.
Could be stress like someone else has mentioned. Could also be reproductive issues. Sex Links are known for that once they get to around the 2+ year mark. Maybe she's older than you were told or is just getting the issues sooner. I'm not trying to scare you though. Give her some time but also continue to monitor her vent for issues like egg binding. Put some electrolyte powder (Sav a Chick) or a small amount of molasses in their water to help their bodies cope with the stress and recover a little. Also, it might be best to really limit treats/scratch or cut it out completely for now, just so her body is getting the right nutrition to start forming some eggs.

6 days does seem like a lot to me, but some chickens handle stress better than others. I'd keep monitoring for reproductive issues though. If it's not the stress, that would be my best guess. Give it some time though. Chickens can be funny creatures sometimes and just do weird stuff.

Best of luck!
Could be stress like someone else has mentioned. Could also be reproductive issues. Sex Links are known for that once they get to around the 2+ year mark. Maybe she's older than you were told or is just getting the issues sooner. I'm not trying to scare you though. Give her some time but also continue to monitor her vent for issues like egg binding. Put some electrolyte powder (Sav a Chick) or a small amount of molasses in their water to help their bodies cope with the stress and recover a little. Also, it might be best to really limit treats/scratch or cut it out completely for now, just so her body is getting the right nutrition to start forming some eggs.

6 days does seem like a lot to me, but some chickens handle stress better than others. I'd keep monitoring for reproductive issues though. If it's not the stress, that would be my best guess. Give it some time though. Chickens can be funny creatures sometimes and just do weird stuff.

Best of luck!
Thank you. I will keep watch of her.
the fact that she is not laying, does not bother me. I have had them hold off for much longer. But lathargic and uninterested - could be a disease brought on by the stress. It is too late to quarantine - watch all your birds carefully.
She's back to normal today. Acting normal but still not dropped an egg. I will keep a close eye on them all.
My 2 y/o RIR hen stopped laying for 2 weeks soon after we sent away the 2 evil stepsisters that were picking out her feathers. I started to add probiotics to their water and feeding yoghurt with probiotics and 3 days ago she started to lay again. Prayer helps too!

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