New hatchery goslings: safe to expose them to adult birds? (Bacteria, viruses, germs, etc.)


6 Years
Jul 7, 2017
I have 2 Pilgrim goslings ordered for the end of April, that I will be picking up from a hatchery. I believe this place imports them from another source. It's not my first time raising goslings as I already have a few adult geese, however it will be my first time integrating youngsters with adults. My original plan was to brood them in my house and then introduce them to the adults once they're a bit bigger/stronger/healthier. Currently I have my geese and chickens in the same building but separate pens inside and out. I have thought about potentially giving the goslings to one of my broody geese and having them raise the babies from the get-go. My biggest concern is the possible germs and things the babies might pick up from the other birds (including chickens, who of course are prone to many viruses and likely carrying things). I realize this can build the goslings' immune systems but also don't want to risk any illnesses or death (these are not cheap goslings either). Can anyone advise? Thank you greatly for any help! 💚
You could try a bit of both, let the goslings have supervised daily outings with the geese, then when they’re 2 - 3 weeks old you can start integrating them more with the bigger birds.
Geese are generally very willing to adopt goslings, the only issues is sometimes they can be too over enthusiastic and step on the little ones or poke at them in all the excitement of seeing new babies.
There are some worrying microbes and parasites like coccidia but exposure to the other birds in small steps at first will adapt their immune systems.
You could try a bit of both, let the goslings have supervised daily outings with the geese, then when they’re 2 - 3 weeks old you can start integrating them more with the bigger birds.
Geese are generally very willing to adopt goslings, the only issues is sometimes they can be too over enthusiastic and step on the little ones or poke at them in all the excitement of seeing new babies.
There are some worrying microbes and parasites like coccidia but exposure to the other birds in small steps at first will adapt their immune systems.
Thank you Goosebaby! I think that's great advice 🙂

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